Benjamin Vakil
Stuff I've Done
PAUSD and Math: Student Voice Matters (Joint with E. Furtado-Tiwari and A. Lee, open letter)
Letter to the Editor: Where are the students’ voices? (Joint with E. Furtado-Tiwari, Palo Alto Weekly)
Should Gunn Have More Math Pathways? (The Chariot)
Balancing Ideology and Pedagogy (The Chariot)
In Media
Students speak out on math issues at Palo Alto school board meeting (Midpenisula Post, Palo Alto Weekly)
400 sign petition to bring back multivariable calculus (Palo Alto Daily Post)
‘The math wars have casualties’: Conflicts over math permeate district, fuel debates over equity, accessibility (Gunn Oracle)
In the Pursuit of Wellness: The Oracle investigates efficacy of SELF (Gunn Oracle)
Commutative Algebra and the Nullstellenzatz (Given as part of UConn Math's Directed Reading Program)
Unique Factorization: The Integers and Beyond (Given at the Gunn Math Circle)
Selected Courses
Courses I've Compleated
MATH 2710: Transition to Advanced Mathematics (course credit by exam)
MATH 3230: Abstract Algebra I
MATH 3240: Introduction to Number Theory
HIST 2811: Early Modern India
Courses I'm Taking
MATH 3231: Abstract Algebra II
MATH 3250: Combinatorics
HIST 3361: The High and Later Middle Ages
​MATH 5121: Topics in Complex Function Theory (Analytic Number Theory)
Grad Classes I'm AuditingÂ
MATH 5020: Topics in Algebra (Algebraic Combinatorics)
English (Native, US & Canadian Dual Citizenship)
Lean (Beginner)